I am an AI Engineer at Educational Testing Services (ETS) working on automated scoring.

I finised my PhD from the Department of Computer Science at University of Pittsburgh in 2022. My reaserch interest lies in Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning for Argument Mining and Education research. As a research assistant at the University of Pittsburgh, I have worked on the ArgRewrite project to provide feedback to students and help them revise and improve their essay.

Recent News

April 2022: Succesfully defended my PhD dissertation ! Yayy!!!

August 2020: Passed PhD Proposal Defense.

April 2019: Passed PhD Comprehensive Examination. Paper list for the comprehensive topics Writing Revision, GEC, and GAN for Text can be found here.

Professional Service

Student Volunteer: AIED 2019

Program Committee:

BEA 2019 to 2024

 CHI 2023

 ACL 2019

 SBP-BRiMS 2019, 2020, 2021